الخميس، 26 مايو 2011

The Homosexual Ikhwan

Today is friday , the day which will mark a difference in the course of the revolution , it is said amongst Islamist circles ,that this uprising has been planned by Liberals , Athiests , Communists to topple the army and establish a new constitution which will allow all haraam things.

For a Homosexual Ikhwan member , it was pretty not clear anymore, who was right ?!   the Homophobe Ikhwan Group or the Islamophobe Homosexual Liberals, because both of them are dedicated to abolish one of his identities.

Second Part

After writing the Blog , i recieved a phone call and a message from friends and family asking me about how bad it is to write about Homosexuals and Islam.  I am more suprised not about the reactions ,but about how people get always interested in whatever story or inormation there is , just to project their own prejudices or false information , narratives and visions of life. Leaving out the content and the context.

People love worshiping texts , but they never worship the context , they believe in Islam but they never believe in Allah, they want to look like the Prophet Muhammed but they never asked the Question of how he was the Prophet and why not just any other random guy was picked?!

Third Part

Nor is there to Him any equivalent (Quraan verse 112:4) Surat al Ikhlas

Fourth Part

- Empty because i went to drink a coffee -

Fifth Part

A Flag which represents no one and Millions of people marching to heaven , everyone was wearing Niqab, carrying red roses, there were no faces !

Sixth Part

Haraaaaam, Haraaaaam , Haraaam.

Seventh Part

Practice Hijra and move to heavens, one door through the heart leads to the seventh heaven ,the key is somewhere so search for it.

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